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Honor Guard for The Beauty of Holiness

May 22, 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Brother Sir Knight’s :please pass this on to your Assemblies
          The Joliet Diocese on May 22, and 24th.2024 is Blessed to have Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla coming to St. Patrick’s Parish , Yorkville , and Holly Family Parish , Shorewood. She is the daughter of St. Gianna Molla. She is the daughter that St Gianna Molla gave her life for so she could be born.
           Dr. Gianna will first visit the Shrine of her mom at St. Patrick’s in Yorkville on Wednesday May 22. Bishop Hicks will be there to meet her. At. about 4:30 a Honor Guard will escort  Bishop Hicks out to the St. Gianna Shrine There Bishop Hicks will Bless the newly official Shrine of the Diocese of Joliet. After the Blessing we will process back to the church were Dr. Gianna will speak. There will be relics and a scarf of St. Gianna’s. there for Veneration.
          Brother’s we are looking for Sir Knight’s to participate in this Honor Guard . St. Patrick’s Parish is located at 406 Walnut St.  Yorkville. Please show up at 4P.M. for instructions.
          On Friday May 24th Dr. Gianna will be visiting Holy Family Parish in  Shorewood. Dr. Gianna will be bringing relics with her from Italy. These relics will be Venerated in the church on May 24th from 9A.M. to 1:30 PM.. They will also be Venerated in the church from 4PM to 5:30 P.M. Fr. Brad and Fr Matt will preside in a Mass at a 6 P.M.. At 7P.M. Dr. Gianna will give a presentation.
          Brother’s the Jolliet Diocese is requesting a Honor Guard for the Veneration of the relics on May 24.at Holy Family Parish. The reason for this is so no one touches the relics with there hands during the Veneration. Fr. Brad and Fr. Matt have requested a Honor Guard for the 6 P.M. Mass. Please sign up on the Genius link below  or visit  (qrco.de/St. Gianna) for times you can help with the Honor Guard. Please see the attachment for further info on the days events .This is a very special event to have a daughter of a Saint coming to the Joliet Diocese.  Sir Knight’s please sign up for the times you are available, and also for the Mass at 6P.M.
God Bless Vivat Jeus
Kevin Fischer
Sr. Commander
Bishop Roger Kaffer Assembly 3232


May 22, 2024
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
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St. Patrick’s Parish
406 Walnut St
Yorkville, IL 60560 United States
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